Thursday 2 June 2011

VCI bears fastball to an end.

Fastball 2011

    This year our fastball team consisted of 14 players mainly grade tens and elevens. We had one grade nine, and two grade twelves as well. Our team had a good year overall, we all got along great on the diamond and even off the diamond we still got along fairly well. We didn't have a lot time to have team bonding but when we did get the chance it was always a good time. We started the season off with an easy win against Elkhorn. Our first and only tournament was in Portage on the first weekend of May. It was exciting for all of us and sad for some too, it would be the last time our two grade twelves would be competing in this tournament. But we didn't let anything get in our way of going there to show them that we were there to not only compete but to have fun. We weren't expecting to win a whole heck of a lot with the young team we had. But our coaches were very happy with how successful we really were, and how much we improved as a whole.After the Friday we all went out for a team supper at Boston Pizza to team bond. Afterwords we all wanted to go back to the pool at the Canad Inn's. We went back there and ended up having the whole pool to ourselves which was rather nice.We ended off with 4 wins and 2 loses in the whole tournament. Our next league game we traveled to Killarney and competed with a tough team, we couldn't seem to hit off their great left handed pitcher. We ended up losing a tough game but didn't let it get to us. Our next game was back in Melita we were all hitting extremely well and when Melita finally got a hit our fielders wouldn't let it by them. We had merci them no problem and felt a little bit relieved to get back to winning. Our next game was a double header in Virden we were scheduled to play Deloraine first off, and then Bossivain afterwords. Bossivain had always been a tough team so we knew it was going to be a little more competition than what we have seen since Killarney. Deloraine wasn't a problem for our team so we pulled off another merci ! Next up was the Bronco's, we all wanted to beat them extra bad because they have always been so cocky and thought that we wouldn't be tough competition for them. We got at it right away and started hitting, we were up by a few going into the 5th inning. We as fielders had a rough inning in the top of the 5th. But Mr. Roach reassured us to not give up and to keep in the game we could easily get it back within one inning. Sure enough we kept in the game and continued on with the positive attitude, and got right back into the game and came on top. After the exciting back and forth game we came out with the big win for us! We were all excited to see us beat the team that we all wanted to so badly. But seen as how Killarney hadn't lost a game they were still first in our zone, and we were just one loss away from them. Going into League Playoffs we got the buy to play the winner out of Bossivain and Melita. Bossivain had an easy win and they had another chance to come on top. Our team wasn't into it as much as they were, we would hit right to where their fielders were and they would do the exact opposite. So in all we ended our season off with a tough loss.

Tynelle Barkely
Taylor Wright
Breanne Unger
Jordyn Lewis
Ellyn Polk
Chelsi Malach
Jenn Mitchell (myself)
Morgan Kotylak
Teajin Barkely
Haley Linski
Madison Johnston
Chelsie Weir
Karissa Kirkup
Adelle Gervin


  1. what a great season! especially in Portage when Haley was making all of those comments, what a character!

  2. That's too bad you guys didn't get to go to provincials, next year! When i join the team i will lead you guys to victory don't worry
