Sunday 5 June 2011

May Long Weekend.

May Long!
     This may long weekend really started my summer off! This was my first year since grade eight where I didn't have club volleyball nationals. I was fairly excited to get out with my friends and meet up with friends from the lake again. Friday seemed to go by so slow, it felt like the last day of classes before summer all over again. Everyone was anxious and just wanting to get on with their plans. I knew a lot of people were planning on going out to the familiar Oak Lake beach. This year the weather was super unpredictable. Friday night it was nice out for the most part, seen as how the weather was nice there was a lot of people out socializing and having a good time. It was a great start to the weekend and to summer in general. Meanwhile there really isn't a beach there at the moment because of all the flooding and it washed away the whole main beach, so for that reason the beach area was blocked off for safety precautions. Saturday night on the other hand wasn't very good, it was raining all night and the cops showed up and was kicking everyone back to their campsites or cabins because of complaints reported. So because of that it was a fairly early night for everyone. Sunday was a repeat of Friday night, the weather was great compared to the Saturday night and everyone was back out ready to have a good time. I caught up with quite a few old friends that i hadn't seen since the end of last summer. Most of the people that were out were all tired from the nights before so everyone kinda went in rather early compared to how it usually is. But overall it was a wonderful weekend. There was a lot of fun, memories, and new friend ships created from the first weekend of what i consider summer !

Outside Article:

Click Here To Read The Whole Article..

Victoria Day celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday (May 24th). Canada is still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, of which the Queen is head.

Victoria Day is always on a Monday, and thus the holiday is part of a long weekend, which is commonly referred to as the Victoria Day Weekend, the May Long Weekend, the May Long, or the May Two-Four (a case of beer there is called a "two-four" and many of these are consumed over the holiday). The weekend is also called the May 24th weekend, although it does not necessarily fall on May 24th.

The Victoria Day Weekend always falls on the weekend before Memorial Day in the U.S.

The Victoria Day Weekend is the first popular weekend for spring / summer travel. Lots of people open up their cottages, plant gardens, or just get away. Expect crowds at resorts and hotels and busy highways. Fireworks displays are common, especially on Monday night.

Banks, schools, many stores and restaurants are closed on the Monday. Call ahead to find out about other attractions and tourist spots. Public transportation will run on a holiday schedule.


  1. I was there! What a grand weekend!

  2. that is an awful picture of me! but it definitely was a great weekend!
