Monday 30 May 2011




 My name is Jenn Mitchell I'm welcoming you to my blog about what I would like to accomplish during the summer of 2011. This is my first ever blog experience, so it will be a learning process for me. I am going to be writing in this blog for 14 days, with today as my first day with the introduction and the fourteenth day as my farewell. My goal/purpose of this blog is to talk about what i am planning on doing this summer and what I would like to do during the summer months. I am also setting my main goal to complete my grade 11 ELA final project on time and pass with a good mark. etc. I am hoping that you will enjoy reading what I have to write about and feel free to leave comments please!

Enjoy :)

                 Summer '11 !
During this time while I'm writing in my blog I am going to talk about:previous experiences I have had during past summers, what I have already done to start my summer off, what I would like to do during this current summer. I will also include precious memories of past summers that i feel like sharing. Everyone enjoys the summer months, so I am hoping all you readers will relate to this blog and continue to follow me for the next fourteen days! Summer should be a peaceful, relaxation time where you spend alot of your free time outdoors with family or friends. Summer is all about having fun, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old friends and making a lifetime of memories out of every summer chance you get! You only live your life once, so live it the way you want too !